Δ ℚuantitative √ourney

Science, Math, Statistics, Machine Learning ...

Apr 26, 2017


I've decided to migrate this blog to Pelican from Jekyll. I did this largely because Pelican has a plugin for allowing Jupyter notebooks to be served automatically as blog posts. With Jekyll, I had to use nbconvert to convert my ipynb document to html every time I wanted to publish a new post, and I also had to often manually edit that html document to get it formatted correctly when embedded into the site. That was fine once, but if you want to make edits or updates, it becomes a real hassle. Now I can directly edit the notebook and the post will automatically update. There are a number of typos and code bugs in some of my old posts that I just never got around to fixing because it was so annoying to re-publish the post. But now I will work on them. Unfortunately some formatting/display issues have arisen from the migration but I will fix them all soon.

Additionally, I've created some GitHub repos for some of the code used in various projects. Namely, I've turned the Gridworld game from RL part 3 into a separate project on GitHub so you can use it in other projects more easily. Find it here: https://github.com/outlace/Gridworld

I also made a simple Data Augmentation library for creating synthetic image data from originals so you can amplify your data for use in deep learning models. You can find it here: https://github.com/outlace/Data-Augmentation

As far as a roadmap for the next few months, I plan to complete the second sub-series in my series on Topological Data Analysis (TDA). That is, I will roll out a series of posts on the Mapper algorithm. Simultaneously I will be slowly working on an open source TDA library in Python called OpenTDA.

After that, I want to get back into reinforcement learning as that's my biggest passion in machine learning. I'm not exactly sure what I plan to work on yet, but will likely use OpenAI's gym library as a testing ground. Feel free to drop a comment if you have any suggestions.


posted at 19:41 by Brandon Brown  ·